Friday, April 2, 2010

Back To The Gym

Arghh...I needed a diversion of some sort from the daily grind in life. So I thought going back to the gym would be a welcome change to the daily routine of walking/running for me. For a start it doesn't cost much, can mingle with people, good for the body, mind and soul. As I rummaged around my pile of clothes, looking for my old faithful gym pants, my first thought was will I be able to fit in it. After many months of absence, there are bound to be flabs slowly creeping back in unwanted places.'s obvious around the mid section, the thighs and the bums. I've been absent from the gym for a long long time (do I sound like a gym drop out)? Going back there is like going back to the basics of exercising. I was a regular member there for a couple of years before someone emm...ask me to join marathon. But it was ok cos running is also fun and good for stamina and endurance and it's free.                                                                                              
So here I was on the 1st day of class and it was pouring wet when I reach the gym. Nothing has changed much. The regulars gave me a surprise look when I made my entry hahah...and the friendlier ones ask me eh...long time never see you lah. What can I say but the truth, right?                                                                                                        
After 50 mins of aerobic, strength workout with dumb bell and fit ball, I am fully energize again and I hope after a couple of repeated classes I will be able to run better and ahh...faster or further perhaps???

Yoga class is next week and I am prepared to be stretch, stretching and stretched. After all it will do me more good than harm. 


June Malik said...
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June Malik said...

Uugh, i like the run further part :) welcome back to the gym!! ehem, btw are you ignoring my blog on the 42.195km?? hahaahah .. lets do this together this time?? come on!! your last chance of walking long distance with me before i leave heheheh

serena said...

not ignoring your blog but in fact love reading it. i'm not ready yet to do FM and my plan for this year is only HM and gradually FM in the near future. hope you faham faham. that's why i incorporate gym with running to improve further. i believe you can do it!

June Malik said...

uugggh you tak kesian i ke?? nway, respect your decision. but you be my designated driver after race ok? haha but you will have to wait for many hours for me to finish lah!