Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Vivid Dream

Normally I will have some kind of weird dreams a week or 2 before a running event and I won't be running, not until 27th June (SCKLM) and I think it's way too early to have one and I had a dream this morning and a vivid one.

I dreamed I was with a friend, J (her hubs were somewhere nearby) and we were in our shorts and tees at a running venue waiting for the gun down. My friend was  looking at her h/p (red in  color) and I realized that I left my h/p in her car. I asked her to get it for me and unwilling to budge an inch she gave me a bunch of car keys instead. I told her that I do not know where she parked the car and she simply said to follow the yellow line on the road that leads to the parking area. As I was about to set off by foot,  I realized I was holding my pillow! Reluctant to walk with a pillow in search of the red car BHM____, I asked her if she could hold it for me while I go. Without saying a word , she gave me the "I'm not going to and why should I" look. I understood and no time to argue, I started walking keeping my eyes on the yellow line. Then a bus came by and I boarded the bus and it started moving but !!! it was not going the yellow line road. Desperate, I got down and walked and I passed by a fast food chain, some tall plants with beautiful & colorful flowers and still no red car in sight! I was panicky as the run was about to start and that was when I was jolted from my slumber!! 

Pheew!! It was only a dream! Wonder if there is a part II tonight. 

The moral of my dream is never hold a pillow at a running event. You will look out of place! 


June Malik said...

hahaah lol, its weird. of course i would have taken ur phone for you or at least walked with u and not let u go alone ;p) i am still dreamless abt scklm run, too early i think but soon it will come for sure haha

serena said...

haha...i know you would! hope yours will be a more pleasant and sweeter dream than mine! or better still dreamless! good luck!

June Malik said...

ooh it wont be dreamless for sure, this is the giant leap lol ..

serena said... you see the animals on the right side on my blog? well, i'll be counting sheep to sleep and if that doesn't work, puppies and tigers also!

June Malik said...

i join u lah but i will skip the sheeps, just the puppies and the cubs ...