Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Natural Beauties

When it comes to taking photos, pictures of flowers, fruits or colorful leaves will definitely not escape from my camera lenses. Whats more when it is taken right in front of my door step i.e from my garden. It is a much easier task because it is stationary and I can have a 2nd or 3rd shot until I am satisfied and is safely stored in my camera. It is so captivating that I feel it would be a waste to forgo an opportunity to have a good shot as season comes and go, and so do all living things under the sun.

This tree in my garden which is called the prosperity tree bears the fruit like the above picture and also blooms the flower as below. Nice isn't it but this happens a few years ago and lately no fruits or flowers and I wonder why??? It is very very rear that this tree can bear fruit or bloom flowers and I feel very fortunate that it chose to have fruit and flower in my garden :)

The next picture at the bottom is from a fortune plant and I can't tell whether its a fruit or a flower.  

This cactus below was bought from Cameron Highland in 2003 and after so many years it decided to show its full glory in the year 2010.
As you can see from the top view the fruits looks like a smaller version of a cili padi, only it is striking pink in color. It is also very rear to see it bear fruits moreover in our hot and humid weather.

This next picture was given by a relative and I name it abundance plant since it has many tiny shoots coming abundantly from the big leaves.

The following flowers was taken from various places.
Top picture was taken at Jakarta in 2008. What attracted me was the flower that looks like a leaf itself only it was red in color.

A variety of small colorful delicate flowers found at Istanbul in 2010.

The above 5 photos was taken at Cameron Highlands in 2005. It is so unique in features and I had to snap it for my own collections.

This light blue flower was hanging precariously at Bellevue, the Penang Hill Hotel garden in 2004. The petals closely resemble an eagle beak.

This cute looking flower was snapped at Star Cruise terminal in 2007. Look closely and you can also see the fruits beside it.

This peculiar flower, once bloomed it looks like a love shape  and I feel it is suitable for Valentine's Day.

The beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and I hope to capture more unique or rear plants in the near future. I for one am grateful to Mother Nature for creating so many beautiful living things in this world.


June Malik said...

didnt know this side of you ;p) nice pictures and i love the flowers in your garden, as u know i am hopeless when it comes to things to do with garden heheh ..

serena said...

thank you and i really love nature and sadly our environment is not as green as before. as for gardening you must have a passion for it.

June Malik said...

very true, that's why i dont do it, the poor plants will only suffer in my hands lol