3rd February, 2012
Have you ever seen a pineapple plant before? No...I have to admit I haven't seen how a fully matured pineapple grows. It is a very rear sight for me.. at least. Loved the fruit but doesn't have the slightest idea of how to grow it. A visit to a friend's house changed all that. More often than not, in general, we know the fruits but seldom know how the tree looks like until we see the fruits hanging from that particular tree.Then you would wish you could reach out and pluck it only that its not belong to you and you might get a real nice scolding from the owner.
Have you ever seen a pineapple plant before? No...I have to admit I haven't seen how a fully matured pineapple grows. It is a very rear sight for me.. at least. Loved the fruit but doesn't have the slightest idea of how to grow it. A visit to a friend's house changed all that. More often than not, in general, we know the fruits but seldom know how the tree looks like until we see the fruits hanging from that particular tree.Then you would wish you could reach out and pluck it only that its not belong to you and you might get a real nice scolding from the owner.
Never seen a pineapple grown in a flower pot in a garden before like this one. And according to her, it took 3 years for it to grow that big. Wow. That's a long long time and I admired her patience. She has two of em.
Envy, I decided to plant my own. The pasar malam fruit seller was kind enough to give me 2 thorny parts of the fruit and I bought a packet of black soil as fertilizer and viola...my very own Josapine in a flower pot in my very mini garden. Two of em also heheh...
Envy, I decided to plant my own. The pasar malam fruit seller was kind enough to give me 2 thorny parts of the fruit and I bought a packet of black soil as fertilizer and viola...my very own Josapine in a flower pot in my very mini garden. Two of em also heheh...
Looking good and just need a little (or lots of) patience and counting the days to see the fruits of my labour. Or in other words..."ong lai lai lai" or "ong mali mali"
Guaranteed juicy & sweet and pack with copper, fiber, manganese, thiamin, vitamin B6 & C.
Didn't get ur blog update!! Good luck on the plant!!
..and the plant said 'thanks for the kind wishes'..
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