Thursday, June 17, 2010


13th June, 2010

MPSJ-NST Carnival And 10km Run

Look at the crowd. Everyone was eager in anticipation at the starting point. MB Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim flagged off the 10km run at 7.30am. This was my 1st time seeing him 'live' in person.  He shook hands with the crowd. Truly, a 'rakyat' person. Needless to say, the hard core runners were at the front. I was way, way back behind the crowd.

 At the start of the run. A very slow, slow start more like snail pace and slowly picking up the pace. Look at the boy wearing the TOTO tee shirt holding a camera. We are just above the camera partially hidden by  2 other runners.    


That's us - Herman and I beside him. Herman with his full running gear - which are:-

1) Head band - is a must - to avoid sweat getting into the eyes and stings.
2) Black pouch around the waist to store in chewing gum that works as power gel to him.
3) His favourite and most comfortable blue colour football shorts that has a auspicious no. 8 on it.
4) Wearing both knee guard for protection is better than sorry and regret later on.

Good for me cos it is so much easier to spot him amongst the huge crowd and also makes my job easier to search him amongst hundreds of photos.

We arrived at  MPSJ at 6.00 am, we  were the only few  early birds around. We walked into MPSJ office  and was surprised to see a small stadium complex just right behind the MPSJ building. 

Me - on stage wearing the event tee and bib no. B 2020

Herman - The Coach.

The Coach said 'in future no finisher medal don't run'

Me - the disciple.

The disciple said 'run for fun only mah...'

Not in the best of mood. Woke up feeling sluggish and sleepy but still needed the exercise and to keep up the stamina. Time not important - run for fun only mah...!!

Wasn't sure if there were any water station or not. Either we were too slow to grab any mineral bottles or simply not enough for everyone but we saw many mineral bottles strewn on the side walk. Herman later told me he picked one unopened bottle from the sidewalk and took a large swig from it. Luckily for me, I had my water pouch with me.

A certificate of participation. Sure felt good after sweating it out. I covered a distance of 10.72km and finished in 86 minutes and burned up 755 calories. I left many people behind and at the same time many people also left me behind. What a run!!! Goody bag consisted of 1 small towel, 3 small packets of biscuit and 1 packet drink plus the tee shirt - all for only RM10.00 registration fee. Not bad at all!!



June Malik said...

wah u running lots more races than me .. this looks fun but i was in redang lah .. getting tanned and more worried abt next weekend, u having jitters yet? or gone over that stage??

serena said...

still having the's always there but my motto now "is run for fun only mah..." then it's not so bad lah... it's all mind over matters.