There is a slight delay in posting this blog. And there are 2 reasons for it.
Reason 1 : Couldn't find the time.
Reason 2 : Same as reason 1.
Yeah, I've tried the nasi padang that I like at last. As
June commented on my
blog that there is suppose to be a restaurant in Subang Parade but unsure if it was ready or not. We (Herman and I) decided to check it out on sunday (16/5/10) evening. The following was the actual (original and unedited) conversation on sunday afternoon in the car on the way back home from Bayu Perdana...
He : When you want to eat the nasi padang at Subang Parade?
Me : Why?
He : If you don't try now, afterwards got no chance to eat.
Me : Why?? (I was puzzled).
He : It might close shop.
Me : You really got a poison mouth.
He : Not poison but toxic.
Me : Next week lah...
He : Next week?? Tonight we try.
He had the final say.
That conversation lead us to this Sari Ratu Restaurant at Subang Parade.
The restaurant was half full with customers when we reached there around 6.30 pm. As we walked in we could see a wide range of vegetables, beef, chicken, fish etc... cooked in various style at the food counter. Oh...just what I expected to see. As we stood there gawking at the food, the waitress (an Indonesian, I think) asked us what we wanted to eat and we pointed to a few dishes and she immediately took our orders. Very fast and efficient service.
We ordered these...
We had nasi putih, sayur terung, bergedel, sambal tempe, sambal udang, ayam gulai, sayur singkong and kentang teri. A little too much for 2 person. How about the food ? Should I say more?? The food is superbly delicious and hope it will stay that way!
There weren't much conversation during dinner and there are 2 reasons for it.
Reason 1 : We were enjoying the food...quietly.
Reason 2: We can't possibly talk with our mouth stuffed.
While eating, I had a feeling that this is gonna be expensive. The bill...there are 5% svc tax and 5% govt tax.
We are entitled to indulge in good food once in a while, don't we? And unlike what the toxic mouth said, I hope this restaurant will stay open forever.
Overall, the food is superb but the price of the food is on the high side.